Interno revizori
The Internal Audit Group performs tasks related to: operational planning, organization and execution of audit tasks, ie testing, analysis and evaluation of all business functions within the competence of the Ministry and indirect beneficiaries of budgetary funds that are within the competence of the Ministry; assessment of the internal control system in terms of their adequacy, effectiveness and completeness; giving advice and expert opinions when introducing new systems, procedures or tasks; preparation of annual, periodical and individual reports on the findings of the internal audit with appropriate opinion and estimates; performing special audits at the request of the Minister or, as appropriate; monitoring implementation of the recommendations stated in the reports from the previous audits; performing audit of the use of funds from the European Union and other international organizations; development of strategic and operational plans and work programs that are the basis for the implementation of the internal audit function as well as monitoring of execution; cooperation with the State Audit Institution and other competent bodies; other affairs in accordance with the law.