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Road Maintenance Group

The Road Maintenance Group carries out tasks related to: preparation of proposals for measures to improve the state of the state road network; monitoring the execution of the annual work program on the construction, maintenance and protection of state roads, road equipment and other objects of transport infrastructure; cooperation with scientific and research institutions in the field of roads and technical regulation of traffic; participation in the preparation of expert bases for drafting laws and proposals of other regulations in the field of roads, traffic signalization and technical regulation of traffic; preparation of acts in the administrative procedure; preparation of proposals for answers to parliamentary questions and applications in the field of roads and technical regulation of traffic; cooperation with the state road manager, designers and contractors in the domain of management and maintenance of the state road network; issuing certificates of receipt of technical documentation for maintenance of state roads and usage permits for performed works on maintenance of state roads, initiating and proposing amendments to laws and other regulations, monitoring and assessment of the implementation of laws and by-laws from the scope of the Department; monitoring and introduction of EU regulations in domestic regulations; participation in the development of materials from the scope of the ministry with other bodies and organizations through commissions or working groups, as well as other activities from the scope of the Group.

Road Maintenance Group

011/2609-425 (work days 10-13h ), 011/2608-729 (work days 10-13h)