Sector for Spatial and Urban Planning
The Sector for Spatial Planning and Urban Planning deals with: spatial planning; planning urban development; spatial development planning; urban planning; legal, informatics and technical affairs that include the management of the information system on the situation in the area and reporting on the situation in the area; managing a database of planning documents based on geographic information systems. The sector for spatial planning and urban planning deals with the tasks related to the preparation, coordination and monitoring of the preparation of spatial planning documents from the jurisdiction of the Republic of Serbia; Providing expert assistance in drafting planning documents within the competence of local self-government units and preparing extracts from planning documents within the competence of the Republic of Serbia for the purposes of their development; development of information systems (in accordance with ESPON and INSPIRE Directive); preparation of annual report on the implementation of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia and reports on the situation in the Republic of Serbia; professional control and control of compliance of planning documents, as well as giving consent to urban plans in accordance with the law; the preparation, coordination and monitoring of the development of a national sustainable urban development policy; making proposals for the appointment of members of the commission for plans, providing professional assistance and participation in the work of commissions for plans of local self-government units; giving data and conditions for the preparation of planning documents at the request of the holder of the plan; keeping records on urban plans for which the consent of the Minister responsible for urban planning affairs has been issued; participation in the preparation of expert bases for drafting regulations in the sphere of planning and arrangement of space and settlements; expert check of planning documents and giving opinions on the correctness of planning documents for determining the public interest; monitoring and analysis of the implementation of regulations in the field of urban development planning; proposing and implementing measures for improvement of the situation in the area and settlements of the Republic of Serbia; are / financing the development of urban plans, as well as other activities from the scope of the Sector.
In the Department for Spatial Planning and Urbanism, narrow internal units are formed: