Coordination body for monitoring the implementation of the strategy for social inclusion of Roma men and women
On March 3rd 2017, the Government of the Republic of Serbia established the Coordination Body for Monitoring the Implementation of the Strategy for Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia for the period from 2016 to 2025 (hereinafter: Coordination Body). The Coordinating Body is headed by the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, prof. Zorana Mihajlović PhD.
Social inclusion of Roma men and women is recognized as one of the priorities of the Government of the Republic of Serbia in key strategic documents in the process of European integration, primarily within the framework of the Basic Rights in the Action Plan for Chapter 23. In addition, every two years, in cooperation with the European Commission, The Government of the Republic of Serbia is organizing a Seminar on Inclusion of Roma in order to monitor the situation.
The Government adopted the Strategy for Social Inclusion of Roma men and women in the Republic of Serbia for the period from 2016 to 2025, as well as the Action Plan for 2017 and 2018 for the implementation of the aforementioned strategy. The basic goals and strategic determination of the Republic of Serbia in this area are the reduction of poverty and the suppression of discrimination against Roma men and Roma women, ie the creation of conditions for full access to the realization of human rights of persons of Roma nationality. Establishment of the Coordination Body for monitoring the implementation of the strategy, as well as the fact that it is chaired by Prof. Zorana Mihajlović PhD., Deputy Prime Minister, will significantly contribute to the efficiency in achieving strategic goals in this area.
The Coordination Body monitors on a national level all the processes related to the social inclusion of Roma men and women, coordinates the work of state administration bodies, local self-government units, public enterprises and other forms of organization by the Republic of Serbia in this field. Additionally, in the scope of work of the Coordination Body, there is improvement of inter-departmental cooperation, giving recommendations for responding to urgent situations, which may result in additional vulnerability of members of the Roma national minority, and suggesting ways to implement prescribed and additional measures that contribute to the social inclusion of Roma men and women.
The Coordination Body is supported by the Expert Group that carries out all expert tasks related to the social inclusion of Roma men and women. The general public is to be informed about the agreements from the meetings of the Coordination Body and the work of the Expert Group in Serbian, Roma and English language.