Department for international cooperation and European integration
Department for international cooperation and European integration carries out activities related to the implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU; participation in the work of the body for EU accession process established by the Government; implementation in the national programs and action plans for accession to the EU; preparation for the harmonization of laws and regulations with EU and other international regulations; cooperation with other government authorities, international institutions and the EU institutions; preparation of opinions regarding the process of harmonization of regulations within the purview of the Ministry; drafting, harmonization and finalization of the international documents, which creates a legal framework for the establishment and development of the international cooperation in the field of construction, transport and infrastructure (declarations, agreements, memorandum, contracts, etc.); monitoring and analysis of the international legal instruments; preparation, reconciliation and the conclusion of the program and protocols on cooperation, as well as the basic documents that define specific areas of the international cooperation in the field of construction, transport and infrastructure; coordinating the implementation of multilateral agreements and cooperation with the secretariats of the multilateral agreements in order of their implementation; monitoring of international policy in the field of construction, transport and infrastructure, and proposing measures and activities for the harmonization of national priorities and accession to international cooperation; defining priorities, forms, content and modalities of international cooperation, as well as monitoring their implementation; Coordination Platform for preparing performance of the Ministry representatives at international meetings, meetings of the States Parties of multilateral agreements in the field of construction, transport and infrastructure; coordination of activities and preparation of documents in the negotiation process for accession, membership in the World Trade Organization; performing other tasks within the purview of the Department.
Sector for European Integration and International Cooperation established following internal units: