Group for normative and international affairs in air traffic
The Group for normative and international affairs in air traffic performs the following tasks: performing administrative and other professional tasks related to safe and secured air traffic; preparation, monitoring and application of legal and other regulations and initiating changes and amendments to the legislation in the field of air traffic, obtaining and giving opinions on acts prepared by other bodies and organizations; initiating, launching and preparing negotiations for concluding bilateral and multilateral agreements in the field of air transport; prepares materials related to the procedure for ratification of international agreements in the field of air traffic and participates in the preparation of draft acts for the confirmation of these contracts; cooperates and participates in the work of international aviation organizations in connection with the drafting and implementation of international conventions, standards and recommendations; confirmed international agreements and all other activities in the field of air traffic; participates in the work of national committees established in accordance with the provisions of the law governing air traffic; prepares reports, analyzes and information in the field of air traffic; follows international and domestic regulations in the field of air traffic and participates in the harmonization of domestic regulations with the international; participates in the consultations and preparation of materials for international organizations in the field of civil aviation; cooperates and participates in the work of international aviation organizations in connection with the drafting and implementation of international conventions, standards and recommendations, as well as other operations within the scope of the Group.