Department for the Transport of Dangerous Goods
The Department for the Transport of Dangerous Goods carries out tasks related to: performing administrative, technical and other professional activities related to the internal and international transport of dangerous goods in road, rail and water transport; preparation, monitoring and implementation of legal and other regulations and initiation of amendments to the legislation in the field of dangerous goods transport; giving opinions on acts prepared by other bodies and organizations; implementation of confirmed international agreements in the international and internal transport of dangerous goods in road, rail and water transport; Appointment of a body for the implementation of the procedure for assessing the conformity of the packaging, ie mobile pressure equipment or tanks for the transport of dangerous goods or vehicles; keeping a register of issued or returned ADR certificate of approval for a vehicle for the transport of certain dangerous goods; issuing a license to a company or other legal entity for training candidates for safety advisers in the transport of dangerous goods, as well as other tasks related to the proficiency check and issuance of the certificate of professional competence for the safety advisor in the transport of dangerous goods; issuing authority to a company or other legal entity for the professional training of candidates for driver of vehicles for the transport of dangerous goods, or for acquiring certificates of specialist knowledge in the field of ADN; carrying out tasks related to the proficiency check and issuing of certificates of professional competence of the driver of a vehicle for the transport of dangerous goods, that is, the certificate of specialist knowledge in the area of ADN and keeping a register of issued certificates; recognition of the validity of foreign documents and marks of conformity; collecting and analyzing annual safety advisors' reports on the transport of dangerous goods, and on that basis proposing a change of regulations; collection of data on violations of regulations from ADR / RID / ADN, national laws and regulations passed on the basis of the law; preparing and proposing bilateral and multilateral agreements in the field of dangerous goods transport in accordance with Chapter 1.5 of the ADR / RID / ADN; drawing up an annual report, based on the collected data, on ADR / RID / ADN injuries, the Law on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and the regulations adopted on the basis of that law, by the category of danger and submission of reports to the competent international bodies; preparation for the issuance of a special permit for deviation from ADR / RID / ADN; monitoring the movement and retention of transport vehicles transporting dangerous goods; proposing routes for the movement of dangerous goods vehicles; preparation for the issuance of a certificate of compliance with the conditions for the transport of waste that is characterized and classified as hazardous matter, as well as other operations from the scope of the Department.