![Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure](https://mgsi.gov.rs/sites/all/themes/mgsi/logo.png)
Group for urbanistic planning
Group for urbanistic planning performs tasks related to; giving consent to urban plans in accordance with the law; establishing and keeping records of urban plans for which the Minister's approval has been issued; providing expert assistance in the preparation and adoption of urban plans; making proposals for the appointment of members of the commission for plans of a unit of local self-government in accordance with Article 52 of the Planning and Construction Law; establishing and keeping records of the data on commissions for plans established by local self-government units; participation in the work of the commissions for the plans of the local self-government unit and providing expert assistance to the commissions for the plans of the units of local self-government; giving data and conditions for the preparation of planning documents at the request of the planner, as well as other documentation of importance for the preparation of the planning document; keeping records of adopted urban plans and data analysis in order to assess the state of urban development in the settlements of the Republic; preparation of reports on the state of urban development of the Republic of Macedonia's settlements; participation in public inspection procedures and early public insight into planning documents; preparation and preparation of analyzes, studies, reports and information in the field of urban development planning; giving / preparing expert opinions on the application of regulations; preparing opinions on draft laws and other regulations prepared / proposed by other ministries, special organizations and other bodies and organizations, or regulations issued by holders of public authorizations, in accordance with the law; participation in the preparation of expert bases for drafting regulations in the sphere of planning and arrangement of space and settlements; digital preparation and preservation of planning documents; preparation of the Internet presentation of planning documents; ensuring the availability of information of public importance in the process of drafting and issuing planning documents; establishment and development of data infrastructure in accordance with the INSPIRE Directive; determining and providing conditions for access to data held by the Ministry in spatial planning and urban planning; maintenance and updating of an electronic database of planning documents; forming reports, charts and tables and preparing data for the purpose of issuing location information, location conditions and the process of legalizing the objects; preparation of data at the request of the holder of public authorizations, professional and general public; achieving cooperation with local self-government bodies for updating the GIS databases on planning documents; coordination with local self-government units in order to keep a database of planning documents, as well as other activities from the scope of the Group.