Group for the preparation of projects financed from EU funds
Group for the preparation of the projects financed from EU funds perform tasks related to: the identification and formulation of the projects for the use of the EU funds from the Ministry; proposing projects in accordance with the procedures established by the National IPA Coordinator; harmonization of the proposals with the technical requirements, program and sector priorities; preparation of the relevant project documentation; keeping track of all proposed project proposals; preparation and revision of the list of priority projects within the competence of the Ministry; planning funds for national co-financing of projects within the set timeframe; preparation and submission of reports on the programming process; preparation and harmonization of the contributions to the strategic and program documents of the annual and multi-annual plans for the use of EU assistance programs, as well as coordination and consultation in the process of IPA and international aid to the authorized proponents and stakeholders; Information about potential sources of project financing and benefits of participation in EU programs and programs of the international assistance; cooperation with relevant international and national institutions; performing other duties within the scope of the Group.