Construction of the new railway line from Mala Krsna-Smederevo to New Port of Smederevo

Ministry of construction, transport and infrastructure
Project value:
9,5 million EUR
Budget of the Republic of Serbia
Transportation Institut CIP
Group of Bidders, "Strabag DOO", "Vojvodinaput" Pancevo, "Strabag AD", Austria, "PRO-Engineering DOO". Belgrade, TPA d.o.o Belgrade, Institute "Mihajlo Pupin"
Supervision for the first phase of works:
Transportation Institut CIP
Project significance:
This project includes the construction of the first railway line in Serbia exclusively for freight traffic which will connect Smederevo Port with the railway Corridor X. The project involves the construction of a single-cell electrified strip, including a marshalling station and the station’s building. The railway is also of a great importance for raising the attractiveness of the industrial zone in Smederevo, which is planned in the hinterland of the Port of Smederevo, whose construction is planned in 2020.
Status of the project:
The first phase of the works was completed in November 2018, within which 5.5 km of railway line was built, including a marshalling station and station’s building.
Second phase of works are underway and it includes the crossing if the new railway line with the existing one, as well as electrification of the entire route of the railway line.
Beginning of the project:
February 5th 2018
End of the project:
August 2019