Group for Inland Navigation and International Water Transport
The Group for Inland Navigation and International Water Transport carries out tasks related to: preparation of the expert basis for the drafting of laws and proposals of other regulations in accordance with accepted international regulations; proposing and undertaking measures to encourage the development of river traffic and increase the safety of navigation on waterways subject to international and interstate navigation regime; monitoring of the work of international organizations and technical standards of navigation in the field of water transport; participation in the work of expert working groups of international organizations; preparing the proposal for the conclusion of multilateral and bilateral agreements in the field of water transport, monitoring and implementation of multilateral and bilateral agreements in the field of water transport; coordinate all activities related to the development of the European Rhine-Danube Corridor in the country and the region (conferences, forums, expert meetings); monitoring of programs and plans for maintenance, marking and development of waterways; forming and updating a database for monitoring and analyzing the state of the river transport infrastructure; planning of river infrastructure projects in cooperation with the Directorate for waterways and monitoring their implementation; encouraging the development of commodity terminals of combined transport and "green ports" in cooperation with the basic internal units of the Ministry and the competent authorities and organizations; monitoring and analyzing indicators of development of freight and passenger river transport; preparation of the decision on the first entry of the ship in the register of ships, decisions on the transfer of the entry of the inland navigation vessel, the decision on the removal of the ship, the decision on the re-entry of the ship; preparation of the decision on the registration of ships under construction; giving expert guidance to port authorities in connection with the implementation and keeping of registration; preparation of opinions, instructions and provision of expert assistance to port authorities in connection with vessel entries; handling of passenger inland navigation complaints; preparing opinions on the application of international and domestic regulations from the scope of the Group; proposing and undertaking measures to encourage the development of maritime transport; carrying out tasks related to the implementation of the law regulating maritime navigation; preparation of expert bases for the drafting of laws and other regulations in the field of maritime navigation; preparation of reports and information in the field of maritime transport; preparation, monitoring and implementation of multilateral and bilateral agreements in the field of maritime transport; analysis of other materials in the field of maritime navigation, drafting an opinion on the application of laws in the field of maritime navigation, as well as other activities from the scope of the Group.