Serbian Railways Infrastructure a.d.
Serbian Railways Infrastructure a.d.
Expert Committee of Serbian Railways Infrastructure a.d.
Institute of Transportation CIP
Decision on the National Programme for public rail infrastructure 2017—2021 (The Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 53/17)
When the Belgrade Centre Railway Station is constructed, the country and its capital will have a modern railway station, which will be able to accept a larger number of trains on national and international transport lines in a much more efficient manner, and local, regional and international passenger trains will be able to go through the “Prokop” railway station. The completion of works in “Prokop” is one of the most important preconditions for the execution of the Belgrade Waterfront project. One of the most important preconditions for the execution of the Belgrade Waterfront project is the transfer of all passenger transport from the bank of Sava River to the Belgrade Centre Railway Station in the urban neighbourhood Prokop.
Works are to be executed in three stages.
The first stage includes the completion of works on the slab at the grade level of 105. Execution of works is underway.
The second stage includes works on structures and facilities under the grade level of 105. Activities for provision of funds for the execution of this stage of the project are underway.
The third stage includes works on structures and facilities above the grade level of 105. Preparatory activities for commencement of works in this stage of the project are underway.
First stage – 11,024,769.27 EUR
Second stage – estimated value of approximately 30.000,000.00 EUR
Third stage – estimated value of approximately 70,000,000.00 EUR (strategic partner’s investment)
Stage 1 – 11 May 2020
Stage 2 – Q2 2022
Stage 3 – Q4 2021
Stage 1 – December 2021
Stage 2 – Q4 2023
Stage 3 – Q1 2023
Budget of the Republic of Serbia/World Bank loan/strategic partner’s funds
This Project includes works on reconstructions of transportation, civil engineering and electrical infrastructure capacities for admitting trains to the railway station, dispatching and managing them. In addition, planned works also include works necessary for completing the Belgrade Centre Railway Station in Prokop as a functional whole, including the construction of the station building, access for transportation vehicles and passengers from the highway and city ring road, as well as auxiliary infrastructure.