Construction of highway E-763 "Milos the Great", section: Pozega-Boljare
Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure
Construction of highway E-763 "Milos the Great", section: Pozega-Boljare
Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, PE Roads of Serbia
Law on Ratification of the Agreement on Economic and Technical Cooperation in the Field of Infrastructure between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the People's Republic of China, signed on August 20th 2009 ("RS Official Gazette - International Treaties", No. 90/09); Law on Confirmation of Annex no. 1 of the Agreement on Economic and Technical Cooperation in the Field of Infrastructure between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the People's Republic of China ("RS Official Gazette - International Treaties", No. 9/2013); Law on Ratification of Annex 2 to the Agreement on Economic and Technical Cooperation in the Field of Infrastructure between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the People's Republic of China ("RS Official Gazette - International Treaties", No. 13/13).
The section of Pozega-Boljare highway connects Serbia and Montenegro, that is, Belgrade and Southern Adriatic, and in a broader context it will connect Romania, Serbia, Montenegro and Italy.
The Spatial Plan for the Special Purpose Area of Belgrade - Southern Adriatic Infrastructure Corridor is underway, Pozega-Boljare section (the border with Montenegro), E-763 highway. In April 2019, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed in Dubrovnik on the project of the E-763 highway, "Belgrade - South Adriatic", section Pozega-Boljare. With this memorandum, the Republic of Serbia and People's Republic of China expressed their interest that the project includes cooperation in the design, delivery, construction and financing of construction in the territory of Serbia.
A preliminary estimate of approximately EUR 1.83 billion
The source and funding for the project have not yet been provided
The section of Pozega – Boljare highway, totaling approximately 107 km, is the final section of the E-763 highway.