Government of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure
Serbian Railways Infrastructure a.d.
Serbian Railways Infrastructure a.d. and for purchase of trains, Serbia Train a.d.
Loan of the Russian Federation (85% of the total value of the Project) and funds of the Republic of Serbia (15% of the total value of the Project)
RZD International and Metrovagonmash (Supplier of diesel engine trains)
Project Biro Utiber d.o.o. (leading member of the Bidding Group)
Institute of Transportation CIP
Component 1 - Project of construction of the second track of the railway line Belgrade Centre – Pančevo Main Station is exceptionally important for future development and progress of railway transport, in view of the fact that it is a railway which directly connects Serbia and Romania and is, as such, an important part of the Serbian railway network.
Component 2 - Reconstruction of sections of Corridor X is important for an uninterrupted and safe railway transport in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, in view of the fact that this corridor is a key transit route through Serbia.
Component 3 - Project of reconstruction and modernisation of the railway section Stara Pazova – Novi Sad is of strategic relevance in view of the fact that it is a part of the main transversal railway of the Republic of Serbia and, as such, a part of a future high-speed railway which will connect Belgrade and Budapest.
Component 4 - Project of reconstruction of the railway section Resnik – Valjevo is of great importance in view of the fact that it is a section of the railway Belgrade (Resnik) – Vrbnica – state border with Montenegro which is a direct link between Serbia and Montenegro and, as such, is of key importance for the functioning of the railway transport in the region.
Component 5 - In addition to the reconstruction and modernisation of railway sections, modern rolling stock is necessary for efficient and safe functioning of railway transport. Therefore, the Project of purchase of diesel engine sets is very important for ensuring that vehicles on such reconstructed and modernised railways have state-of-the-art equipment and meet all the required standards.
Component 1 - Project of construction of second track of the railway line Belgrade Centre – Pančevo Main Station (for the project - second track on the section – Pančevo Main Station (length 14.9 km) within the railway Belgrade Centre Station – Pančevo Main Station – Vršac – state border with Romani)
The Project has been completed.
Component 2 - Reconstruction of 6 sections of Corridor 10 (for the project “Reconstruction of infrastructure structures of Serbian railways, total length: 112.2 km, as a part of the development of the European Transport Corridor 10”). Annex 2 is divided into two parts, namely:
Annex 2.1 - three northern sections (The three northern sections are: Golubinci – Ruma (17.9km), Sopot Кosmajski - Кovačevac (18.4 km) and Mala Кrsna - Velika Plana (29.4 km)),
Annex 2.2 - three southern sections (The three southern sections are: Vranjska Banja – Ristovac (17.7 km), Bujanovac – Bukarevac (13.8 km) and Vinarce – Đorđevo (15 km)).
The Project has been completed.
Component 3 - Reconstruction and modernisation of the railway section Stara Pazova – Novi Sad, which is divided into two parts, namely:
Annex 3.1. Works on construction of a tunnel and a viaduct (“Construction of a viaduct at km 59+159.40 and the “Čortanovci” Tunnel in the section Stara Pazova – Novi Sad, as a part of reconstruction, modernisation and construction of a two-track railway Belgrade – Stara Pazova – Novi Sad – Subotica – state border with Hungary”)
- Percentage of physical realization on 21 May 2021: 98.67%,
- Percentage of financial realization on 21 May 2021: 98.86%.
“ČORTANOVCI” TUNNEL: The tunnel consists of two separate tubes, each single-track, total length 2,242 m. The right tube is 1,086 m long and was drilled on 3 April 2020, while the left one is 1,156 m long and was drilled on 5 June 2020. Works on the construction of all three stages of the primary construction of the tunnel have been completed. Works on the construction of the secondary structure have been completed. Works on the construction of the superstructure have been completed.
VIADUCT: The viaduct is around 3 km long and will be supported by 59 pillars, of which the tallest one is 28 m high. The viaduct is located immediately next to the right bank of the Danube River, and consists of two structures: The start of the viaduct is connected to the tunnel exit gallery. The rest of the viaduct structure is divided into 5 segments. Works on the construction of all 59 load-bearing pillars have been fully completed. Works on the construction of all foundations, pillars and main mounting devices of the viaduct structure have been completed.
Annex 3.2. Works on construction of a railway plain line on the section Stara Pazova – Novi Sad, as a part of reconstruction, modernisation and construction of a two-track railway Belgrade – Stara Pazova – Novi Sad – Subotica – state border with Hungary (length 36.2 km)
- Percentage of physical realization on 21 May 2021: 82.56%
- Percentage of financial realization on 21 May 2021: 85.17%.
All 40.5 km of the high-speed rail have been constructed so far in the railway plain line. Of the total length of the constructed rail, 34.1 km is railway plain line (both left and right track together) on the section from Stara Pazova to Beška, as well as 5.4 km of station track in the Inđija railway station.
Component 4 - Reconstruction of the railway section Resnik – Valjevo as a part of the railway mainline (Resnik) – Vrbnica – state border with Montenegro
The Project has been completed.
Component 5 - Delivery of diesel engines
The Project has been completed.
Component 1: 89.946.473.58 USD
Component 2: for Annex 2.1 – 48,712,237.12 USD
for Annex 2.2 – 37,132,967.79 USD
Component 3: for Annex 3.1 – 337,600,000.00 USD
for Annex 3.2 – 255,627,932.73 USD
Component 4: 72,153,306.02 USD
Component 5: 100,000,000.00 USD
Component 1: 19 September 2017
Component 2:
for Annex 2.1 – 19 February 2015
for Annex 2.2 – 18 April 2016
Component 3:
for Annex 3.1 – 19 September 2017
for Annex 3.2 – 16 March 2018
Component 4: 6 July 2016
Component 5: December 2015
Component 1: 25 February 2017
Component 2:
for Annex 2.1 – 18 May 2016
for Annex 2.2 – 4 May 2017
Component 3:
for Annex 3.1 – end of 2021
for Annex 3.2 – end of 2021
Component 4: 14 November 2027
Component 5: December 2017
Loan of the Russian Federation (85% of the total value of the Project) and funds of the Republic of Serbia (15% of the total value of the Project)
Component 1: This Project concerns construction of a second track from Pančevo Bridge to the Pančevo Main Station, length: 14.9 km, and construction and reconstruction of capacities of existing tracks and infrastructure at stations Кrnjača, Ovča, Pančevo Bridge, Sebeš and Кrnjača Bridge, as well as construction of a new bridge over Tamiš, length: 241.90 m, and new, smaller bridges and engineering structures.
Component 2: This Project includes works on rehabilitation of railway infrastructure.
Component 3:
For Annex 3.1 - The Project includes construction of a twin-tube tunnel, length 2 x 1.2 km, and a viaduct (around 3 km long), which will, when completed, be a part of the high-speed rail Belgrade – Budapest.
For Annex 3.2 - The Project concerns reconstruction and modernisation of the existing track of a single-track railway and construction of a second track of the railway for mixed passenger and freight transportation and speeds up to 200 km/h on the railway Belgrade - Novi Sad - Subotica - state border (Кelebija).
Component 4: Project includes execution of works, provision of services and delivery of materials and equipment for the facility “Reconstruction/repair of the railway Resnik (exit) – Valjevo (entrance)”, length: 77,625 km, as a part of the railway mainline (Resnik) – Vrbnica – state border with Montenegro.
Component 5: This Annex provides for delivery of diesel engine trains, main components and spare parts thereof. All 27 diesel engine trains and main components and spare parts thereof have been delivered. The Supplier was Metrovagonmash from Russia.