Government of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure
Serbian Railways Infrastructure a.d.
“Serbian Railways Infrastructure”
RZD International
Component 1: NIIAS
Component 2: Institute of Transportation CIP, CRDC
Component 3 DB Engineering & Consulting GmbH
Component 1 - The Project is of great importance for the Republic of Serbia, in view of the fact that construction of a dispatch centre for uniform management of rail transportation is the first step in achieving efficient and safe functioning of the rail transportation in the Republic of Serbia.
Component 2 - The Project is of great importance for the Republic of Serbia in view of the fact that it includes funds for completion of the construction of the railway for speeds up to 200 km/h from Belgrade to Subotica, as well as the construction of a dispatch centre for uniform management of rail transportation.
Component 3 - The Project is of great importance for the Republic of Serbia in view of the fact that it includes reconstruction and modernisation of the railway Belgrade– Vrbnica – state border with Montenegro, which is of great strategic relevance as the only rail connection between Serbia and Montenegro.
Project components: The Contract stipulates execution of 3 projects concerning design and construction of railway infrastructure.
Component 1 - Project of construction of the Single Dispatch Centre for management of train transport in the Republic of Serbia.
Technical documentation is under preparation and is expected to be completed in October 2021. Annex No. 1.2 concerning execution of works will define the final value of works. This Annex is currently being harmonised.
Component 2 - Works on the construction of electrical infrastructure Stara Pazova – Novi Sad (40.4 km)
Works are underway and their date of completion is to be the end of 2021.
Component 3 - Reconstruction and modernisation of the railway Belgrade– Vrbnica – state border with Montenegro (209.8 km)
Technical documentation is under preparation and is expected to be completed in September 2022.
Component 1 - 117,360,000.00 EUR (assessment)
Component 2 – 58,727,122,99 EUR (“new” Russian loan) and 58,934,952.00 USD (Annex 3 of the Commercial Agreement with the Chinese Contractor), in the total amount of 117,661,474.99 EUR
Component 3 - 20,943,667.51 EUR
Component 1 – Commencement of works is expected in Q3 2021.
Component 2 – Commencement of works was in January 2021.
Component 3 – Design was completed in September 2020.
Component 1- Completion of works is expected in 2024.
Component 2- Completion of works is expected by the end of October 2021.
Component 3 – Deadline for the completion of the technical documentation is September 2022.
Pursuant to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Russian Federation on approval of a government export loan to the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the loan amount is 172.5 million EUR (75% of the total value of the projects), while the amount of funds from the Budget of the Republic of Serbia will be 57.5 million EUR (25% of the total value of the projects).
Component 1 - The Project includes design and construction of the Single Dispatch Centre for management of train transport.
Component 2 - The Project includes construction of overall civil engineering structures and electrical infrastructure for construction of a contact network and power plants for traffic speeds of no more than 200 km/h. Annex 3 of the Commercial Agreement with the Chinese Contractor provides for works including purchase and delivery of equipment, installation, testing and commissioning of signalling and safety subsystems, and telecommunication and management subsystems on the section Stara Pazova – Novi Sad.
Component 3 - Preparation of the technical documentation for reconstruction and modernisation of the railway Belgrade– Vrbnica – state border with Montenegro.