Spatial Plan of Area with Special Purpose of Exploitation of Mineral Raw Materials on the Locality of "Cukar Pekiˮ Mine in Municipality of Bor
Ministry of construction, transport and infrastructure
Spatial Plan of Area with Special Purpose of Exploitation of Mineral Raw Materials on the Locality of "Cukar Pekiˮ Mine in Municipality of Bor
Rakita Exploration d.o.o. from Bor
The basic goal of creating the Spatial Plan is to provide the conditions for the overall sustainable spatial development of the area covered, the rational exploitation of deposits of mineral resources and other resources in the deposit, as well as to neutralize or mitigate the negative spatial, ecological and socioeconomic consequences of the exploitation and processing of mineral raw materials. : (a) the basic concepts of spatial development, use, editing and protection (remediation) of the area of special names for the planned horizon until 2035; and (b) the first stage for the realization, that is, the operationalization of long-term concepts and planning projections for the period up to 2022. The spatial plan contains detailed elaboration for the planned purposes and will create a plan basis in terms of direct implementation, for the issuance of location conditions and the production of technical documentation.
The decision on the preparation of the Spatial Plan for the Special Purpose Mining Exploration of Mineral Resources at the locality of the mine "Cukar Pekiˮ in the Municipality of Bor was published in the Official Gazette of RS No. 76/17. Preparation of the final version of the Spatial Plan, after the performed expert control.
The drafting of the amendments to the Spatial Plan was initiated by signing the contract between the contractor and the investor.
Jun 2019.
Means are not from the budget of the Republic of Serbia