Djordje Milic

Born in Belgrade on May 2nd, 1970.
He graduated from the Faculty of Geography at the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, with a grade of 10 (average grade during the study 9.52). He holds a Master's degree in Spatial planning from the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade. She is preparing her doctoral dissertation on the topic "Analytical model of potentials and limitations of spatial development".
Employed at the Institute for Spatial and Urban Planning of the Ministry of Construction from 1997 to 2003. From 2003 to 2014, he worked at the Republic’s Spatial Planning Agency as an assistant or deputy director.
Since February 2015, he has been working as Assistant Minister for Construction, Transport and Infrastructure in charge of urban planning.
He has published over 30 scientific and professional articles in international and national monographs, proceedings and journals.
Member of the Serbian Chamber of Engineers (license number of responsible planner 100 0083 04). Member of the Association of Spatial Planners of Serbia since its founding (1997).