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Department of Water Transport

The Department of Water Transport carries out tasks related to: preparation of expert bases for drafting laws and proposals of other regulations in the field of water transport; strategy and plans for development of water transport and improvement of navigation safety on waterways subject to international, interstate and state navigation regime; Monitoring of the work of international organizations in the field of water transport (Danube Commission - DC, Sava Commission - ISRBC, UNECE, Rhineland Commission - CCNR and International Maritime Organization - IMO); preparing the proposal for the conclusion of multilateral and bilateral agreements in the field of water transport, monitoring and implementation of multilateral and bilateral agreements in the field of water transport, the establishment and updating of the database for monitoring and analysis of the condition of the waterway infrastructure; technical and technological development in the waterway and inland navigation system; drafting opinions on the application of laws and by-laws in the field of water transport and navigation safety, as well as other tasks from the scope of the Department.


In the Department of Water Transport the following narrow internal units are formed: